INTRODUCTION Continuing in the spirit of positive change established by the 1988 School Reform Act, Clemente is about to embark on a new enterprise called Clemente 2001. The inspiration for this ambitious project has as its source the Four Point Program developed and approved by the Local School Council (See Appendix). Our school wants to reach out and enhance its partnership with the community. We believe that by doing this, our school community (students, parents, and staff) will develop its potential to the degree required by the demands and realities of the twenty-first century. What follows is a detailed description of the aforementioned enterprise. We strongly believe that your input and active participation are critical to the success of this endeavor. We look forward to working together with you, in the spirit of educational reform. Ideally, it should be the responsibility of every member of the community to help in the educational process of our youth. It is through the education of our youngsters that this community will ensure itself a prosperous future and preserve its precious and unique multicultural character. CLEMENTE 2001: MOVING INTO THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY Vision Clemente will create an appropriate educational foundation that prepares its students […] Read More
Sarai Lastra Graduate School of Library and Information Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign [email protected] Abstract This paper addresses some challenges that system designers may face when building a community information system for a Latino community. Particularly it examines: How can social network analysis, Latino studies and computer supported cooperative work help in understanding the community’s information needs? How can the design of an interface enhance access to its networked resources? What are the challenges faced when designing a tool whose goal is to harvest community knowledge from a diasporic community? A scenario is included in order to analyze issues related to the design of community information systems, including social capital strategies for harvesting community knowledge. 1. Introduction Information infrastructure is a tricky thing to analyze. Good, usable systems disappear almost by definition. The easier they are to use, the harder they are to see. As well, most of the time, the bigger they are, the harder they are to see [7, p. 33]. A community information system has special characteristics. Similar to other information delivery systems, its networked capabilities may provide access to digital libraries, online public access catalogs, internet resources, collaboratories, distance education programs and local information resources. […] Read More
A CHILD Consuelo Lee Corretjer A child is a future, inexorable, synthesis of creation, owner of everything he sees, that he touches, that he hears, that he feels inhales tastes. But overall he is a vehicle of immortality; without a past in appearance but a steel container of all the past and all that lived, free, without straps nor fears restless fighter seeking his kind as the plants seek the sun. Ignoring prejudices, and other negativeness; wearing hopes for the first timesharing originalitieswithin all that is the samein eternal repetitioneternally newand as old as the earth itself Continue reading at Puerto Rican Cultural Center Read More
Download the State of Illinois hearing transcripts here and the “Community Hearings: Determining the Truth behind the Clemente Story” report and hearing transcripts here and here. Below is a slideshow of the sensationalist headlines at that time, as well as leaflets and programs of Roberto Clemente Community Academy events during that period of time. Also below that is Read More