Mr. Luis Alejandro Molina, National Boricua Human Rights Network. (Chicago)
Interview dated 17th Aug 2011 on telephone
Mr. Molina is part of the Network from 2001, as that’s when it was formed, but he was a founding member of the original organization, the National Committee to Free Puerto Rican Prisoners of War and Political Prisoners, in 1979. He was involved with these issues from 1976 and has always been interested in Latino rights issues (ever since he was 16/17 years old) because of the influence of his family background. His mother, in particular, was moved by social justice issues and influenced him. His parents had to go to college a second time in the U.S. as their BA’s from Mexico were not accepted in the States. The struggles for civil and human rights in the university were also rooted in the Latino community. Mr. Molina has lived in the same community for the last 40 years.
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